Wireless Radiation – Heading towards an epidemic?

May 2011- World health organization (WHO) & International agency for research on cancer (IARC) categorized wireless EMF radiation as possible cancer causing. 

Wireless Radiation is cancer causing - WHO/ IARC
WHO/IARC press release categorizing #EMFRadiation, #WirelessRadiation as a possible #Carcinogenic

By many global estimates, the world is on the edge of a epidemic. This includes Cancer, Parkinsons, Alzhemiers, Autism and Infertility. All people, in all age groups are at risk from ElectroMagnetic (EMF) Radiation. While, babies, toddlers and older age groups are most susceptible to radiation related hazards, the adverse effects are not just limited to them. We have collated some key findings from India focussed reports on instances of health issues befalling us.

Cancer: Cancer is gradually taking the form of an endemic in the India context – National cancer registry data reveals that 1 in 8 men and 1 in 9 women are expected to develop some form of cancer in their lifetimes. An estimated 1.45 million new cancer cases are expected to come to surface in 2016. That number is greater than the entire population of Mauritius. A mindboggling 736,000 deaths in India will be attributed to Cancer in 2016-17 . By 2020, the cancer figures are expected to go up to 1.73 million new cases a year. World over as well, cancer is expected to increase from 14 million new cases per year (2016-17) to 19 million by 2025, 22 million by 2030 and 24 million by 2035.

EMF radiation and Cancer
AIIMS study linking Cancer and EMF Radiation/ Wireless Radiation

A new study by All India Institute of Medical Sciences published in medical journal neurological sciences, states that use of a mobile phone for more than 45 minutes per day for 10 years increases brain tumour risk by a third. The study also goes on to imply that similar studies funded by the industry underplay the risks associated between cancer and long term, high bvolumes cell phone usage. The study also indicates towards “other seripous health hazards” associated with cell phone usage. We sample a few studies for your reference –

1. There is a 500% increment in Parkinson disease cases over 1984-2011. (Source: GourieDevi M, Rao VN, Prakashi R. 1984 and 2011)
2. Over 30 million couples in India suffer from Infertility.One out of five couples is childless and the numbers are growing. (Source: International Institute for population sciences, Mumbai. 2010)
3. Infertility has increased by 50% in urban India since 1981. 3 There has been a 20-30% rise in cases of infertility both in men and women in the last five years in India. (Source: International Institute for population sciences, Mumbai. 2010)
4. There is a significant rise in Autism cases in India – 10 million children reported to be suffering from Autism in India. (Source: International Clinical Epidemiology Network Trust (INCLEN)). Around 2% of children between the ages 2 to 9 are affected by Autism. Over the last 11 years, Autism has increased by 300% in India. (Source: Centre for disease control estimate 2002, 2012)
5. Over the next two decades, India will witness 200% increase in Alzheimers disease (Source: Alzheimer’s and Related Disorders Society of India (ARDSI) 2011)

Effect of EMF Radiation on critical illnesses such as Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Autism and Infertility
EMF/Wireless Radiation and its impact on critical illness – the makings of a epidemic

While the case for cancer and cell phone use/ wireless radiation is well established, and the evidence linking wireless radiation/ EMF radiation to Alzheimers, infertility, Autism and Parkinsons is seemingly sketchy, a precautionary approach will be prudent. Electromagnetic pollution may be the most significant form of pollution human activity has produced this century, even more dangerous because it is invisible and insensible.
The need of the hour is to safeguard our health, family and our future from this web of electromagnetic radiation. Evidence may take its time to firm, but that doesnot absolve us of the responsibility of taking measures to reduce our exposures to EMF Radiation/ wireless radiation. As they say, proof of no harm isnt no proof of harm.

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